
Service: Cost:
Initial phone consultation No cost
Pre-Mediation Interview (per person)* $350 (plus GST)
Joint Session of Mediation (half-day) $1,050 (plus GST) per party $2,100 (plus GST) total cost.
Joint Session of Mediation (full-day) $1,825 (plus GST) per party or $3,650 (plus GST) total cost.
Child Inclusive Mediation** $125 per hour per party

*The Pre-mediation Interview is approximately 60 – 90 minutes and is able to be conducted in person at our office or by video conference. A further pre-mediation conference may be required in special circumstances including to allow for further preparation where there is a high level of conflict, or when parties are attending for both parenting and property mediation.

**The process for Child Inclusive Mediation is determined on a case-by-case basis with the appropriate process determined by the Child Consultant in discussion with the Mediator. The Standard Fees incurred will include a 1 hour meeting per child with the Consultant and the Consultant providing feedback ahead of mediation between 1-2 hours. Further fees will be incurred if the Consultant meets with parents as well as children.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you in your mediation matter